For the last year we've been trying to sort and organize a rather large collection of toys (the collectible kind) and it's turned out to be far more difficult than I expected. Truth is, it wouldn't be hard for me ... it would be gone by now (it isn't), all of it, but it's hard for the guy that owns them.
I've done my share of pushing him, and to be fair to him, he has sold quite a number of boxes of toys, so the effort is there, it's just going a lot slower than I'd hoped. Besides the boxes that have sold, he's set out a box full of toys for our nephews (both grown up with kids of their own), one of our grandson's has claimed a few, and the Toyman has donated some to several groups for fundraising.
While I'm not overly happy about how long it's taken (still taking) or how much he kept (rented a storage unit, hopefully temporarily), I'm happy to see him sharing and donating. Donating would have probably been what I did with the majority of it (after I gave family first dibs to pick out what they wanted).
He's got a few posted on buy and sell groups in Facebook (most of them show on his profile, which you can find here). With the groups, you probably have to be a member to reach him, but if there is something you are interested in, you can contact him through his email address (see our contact page). He'd be happy to give you a call too if you prefer to talk rather than type. Although he'd be comfortable to email back and forth, he too usually prefers to communicate by phone, or in person (he's not proficient in texting, but can manage that if he has to).
I've done my share of pushing him, and to be fair to him, he has sold quite a number of boxes of toys, so the effort is there, it's just going a lot slower than I'd hoped. Besides the boxes that have sold, he's set out a box full of toys for our nephews (both grown up with kids of their own), one of our grandson's has claimed a few, and the Toyman has donated some to several groups for fundraising.

He's got a few posted on buy and sell groups in Facebook (most of them show on his profile, which you can find here). With the groups, you probably have to be a member to reach him, but if there is something you are interested in, you can contact him through his email address (see our contact page). He'd be happy to give you a call too if you prefer to talk rather than type. Although he'd be comfortable to email back and forth, he too usually prefers to communicate by phone, or in person (he's not proficient in texting, but can manage that if he has to).

Okay, 'nough of that. He's got most of what's still going to be sold on the shelves in the basement. Anyone local wants to come by and have a look, drop us an email for our address (if you don't know it I mean).
Remember what it looked like back at the beginning (this post)? This is what it looks like now.
From the first post, I think most of the John Deere toys are gone, but still has a few. He still has some of the Coca-Cola things as well. He kept most of his London Toys, most of the Supertest, his collection of Home Hardware Toys (one of each and is hoping to sell of all his duplicates).
I think he decided to sell off the Canadian Tire, but I think some of it is in the storage unit already; and the Schneider's banks are (hopefully) going. He's selling the Eaton's toys, and the Sears Toys (that one surprised me since he was a fanatic about Sears) ... some larger Napa toys, Lennox, Case, and more than I can remember (oh, a couple of Hershey's).
There is also some Nascar stuff (several Richard Petty, and then a mix of others). There is also some wall pictures - an Earnhardt pennant, a tin sign and a variety of other framed photos and posters, the majority of Earnhardt or Earnhardt jr. Kind of odd how that goes ... start with cars and before you know it you have everything, from t-shirts, hats, mugs, figures, keychains, pictures ... you name it. He's keeping some of the more expensive pictures from Nascar that he spent a lot of cash having framed, but a few will be going.
There are few car pictures ... a framed black and white print of the Tudhope (car), and a large poster (custom framed in red) of postward Ford cars, and a poster with a variety of metal Tonka Toys titled "Boys Toys". Possibly there will be others when we do the final countdown, but as it stands ... there is a lot that made it's way to the storage unit that he may decide to sell off once we find a place and sell our current home.
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