But at this point, I'm not sure which is worse. The "clean out" is bringing to light things that even he didn't realized he owned. There's far too much to ever display, and he's honest enough to admit that he's lost interest in some of the stuff he collected. That should make it simple to dispose of, shouldn't it?
Yeah ... well it's not really that simple. Where do you sell a massive load of collectible banks and cars all at once? Some years back, he did send a bunch off to auction but he was pretty disappointed with the results. Oh sure, they sold most of them but the prices they sold for were ridiculously low, not even coming close to the price he originally paid for them, and nearly all were in pristine condition, having never been removed from their original boxes. He found it pretty hard to swallow - an item costing him $30 to $40 (NIB) might sell for $5 at the auction, so I'm pretty sure he isn't going to want to do that again.
Because a lot of these things aren't as popular as they once were they aren't going to sell for the original purchase price, and probably not even close but $5 is a tad low, and that's one of the reasons we still have so many boxes full of stuff.

I'm not doing it. He amassed that mess of toys, and the Toyman can deal with it.