This is just a short post today, but I wanted to get the word out to any Otaco Minnitoy collectors (or those just interested in the history of Otaco) about J. Alan Johnston's book, recently published. This is a locally produced book, that's been well researched and has taken years to compile ... and if there are still copies available, very definitely worth buying.
The book has over 150 pages, filled with information on the original Otaco toys (did y'all know there were toys other than those big trucks the collectors want), including things like the kids wooden wagon, and the fishing rods. I knew about the watergun, but I didn't know about the fishing rods at all. When I asked the hubby, he said "oh ya, Uncle Bob used to to have one of those." Well, I'll be. That would have been nice to keep just because in the photo in the book, they look a little different than modern rods.